Proud Giraffe | The Moral Story



Dear children, there were many animals living in a forest. Among them was a giraffe which was very big in stature and del sol. One day suddenly a lion attacked him to make his food.

The giraffe's neck was so long that it could not be caught by an aorta. That is why the lion attacked him from behind. His skin was also hard which did not damage his skin. On the contrary, the giraffe hit the lion with one leg.

The leg hit the lion's chest and he fell and began to suffer. The giraffe angrily attacked him again with his leg which killed the lion. Other animals seemed to despise him.

He started calling them by the opposite names. All the animals were terrified of giraffes.

Now the other lions were also afraid of him.

The zebra cried and said: The fox giraffe calls me a donkey with lines, it also says that there is no difference between you and a donkey, you cannot become wise just because of lines.

The donkey said that the giraffe called me Dhenchun Dhenchun and said that I am the most stupid of animals.

The deer said, "The fox giraffe connects me to the goat family."

The camel raised its face and said: The giraffe told me that you cannot be brave by becoming like me. You look sick to me.

Just shut up, all the giraffe's words make him proud, I have to make arrangements for him. The fox said. Laughing out loud, the giraffe moved to one side and became very angry.

The next day the same thing happened again. He said, "Why are you laughing at me?"

The fox said, "Sir, the animals in the forest were talking about a beautiful, shapeless, tall, long neck, small mouth, four crooked legs, such an animal with such a big body and small tail." I laugh when i see you

By the way, all the animals are telling the truth. Wait a minute, I will bring my children and they will laugh when they see you.

The giraffe realized that it was really beautiful to see so many animals talking to me.

She took the giraffe to the lake. She was embarrassed to see her reflection in the water. How fun is that?

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